martes, 14 de abril de 2009

Good bye!

We are coming back! It is Wednesday and that means we have to go back to Spain. The rooms must be left at 10, so we all pack and have breakfast early in the morning. We still have some hours till the bus comes to collect us so we go for a nice walk to the river. We walk across the village, Alveston, we pass some amazing cottages and walk along the country paths that lead to the river bank, where some of the students have a competition to throw stones.

On our way back to the hostel we see two wonderful churches surrounded by graveyards, the same graveyards some students explored a few days ago. Back to the hostel we eat our packed lunches, share some food, Spanish ham included and say goodbye to the place. We get the bus and arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare, especially after seeing that our flight was delayed. So we spend our last hours together reading and talking at the airport, speculating about our plane and our luggage. We finally arrive at Madrid airport at about 10 and say goodbye to each other wishing to be able to repeat the experience some time.

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